ISEPP Listserv

ISEPP Listserv


One of the benefits of ISEPP membership is our Google Groups listserv. This is a forum in which you can join others to share and discuss important topics relevant to ISEPP’s purpose and principles.

The listserv can be an extremely valuable resource for organizational connection and education, and we consider it each member's responsibility to foster and maintain it as a welcoming forum. In furtherance of this, please abide by the following rules: 

1. If you are not certain that a post is appropriate for the listserv, do not post it.

2. Listserv posts must be concise and directly relevant to ISEPP’s purpose and principles.

3. We encourage the open, honest, and authentic communication of ideas.

4. Do not use the listserv for illegal purposes such as defamation of character, violation of intellectual property laws, or anti-trust laws.

5. Posts must be respectful and civil. Personal attacks, cursing, name-calling, threats, offensive remarks, and the like are not permitted.

6. Political or religious topics and commentary are off limits unless they are directly relevant to our purpose and principles.

7. Humor is encouraged. However, avoid humor that can be offensive.

8. Listserv members are permitted to share petitions and other calls for action, as long as the matter is relevant to our purpose and principles.

9. Announcements for relevant books, conferences, continuing education, and other similar products are permitted.

10. In responding to a thread of posts, please stay on topic. If the conversation wanders into another topic area, please rename the Subject: line to identify that new topic.

11. When replying to a post intended for the entire listserv, make sure to Reply All, but remove any addresses other than in the Cc: line.

12. Do not include any non-ISEPP listserv emails in your posts and do not quote any listserv posts outside the listserv unless the author gives permission.

13. If your post does not apply to all listserv members, please change the To: line to reflect only those people who should get the post.

14. Limit the number of original posts you make per day. Monopolizing the listserv discourages others from participating. Also, if a discussion gets excessively drawn out, consider taking it off the listserv.

15. You are welcome to take a discussion off the listserv if you want to branch out into other areas that are outside of ISEPP's purpose and principles.

We realize there can be differing opinions when interpreting these rules. To address this, we have convened an ISEPP Listserv Moderating Committee of three long-standing ISEPP members who will be reviewing daily posts and coordinating with each other in cases when listserv rules and etiquette are violated. Through consensus, they will decide what actions, if any, are to be taken.