Wayne Ramsay

Wayne Ramsay


I first met Bertram Karon at one of Dr. Peter Breggin's Empathic Therapy Conferences and always made a point of talking with him one-on-one. Surviving to 89 after the accident that forced him to use a wheelchair was an accomplishment. He told me about the exercise program he used, mostly using his arms, to maintain his health. He seemed never at a loss for words and remained an engaging lecturer even while bound to his wheelchair. I last saw him at the ISEPP conference near Boston where he told me how much the people at ISEPP meant to him. I was amused when he referred to a psychiatrist colleague as having acted "somewhat neurotically": I told Professor Karon that was impossible because "neurosis" was eliminated from psychiatric diagnostic categories with the publication of DSM-III in 1980!