2018 ISEPP Conference Schedule – Toronto

2018 ISEPP Conference Schedule – Toronto


Friday, October 19th

4 - 6 pm: ISEPP Board Meeting (Suite 223)

6 - 6:30pm: Registration for Conference (Outside Champagne West. This is offered as an early registration for Saturday's activities.)

6:30 - 9:00pm: Welcome Reception (Champagne West). Attire: Business Casual. Remarks by Joe Tarantolo, M.D. - Saving Psychiatry. Saving Psychiatry?

Saturday, October 20th

8 - 8:45am: Registration (Outside Champagne West)

8:45 - 9am: Welcoming remarks and announcements by Chuck Ruby, Ph.D., Executive Director

General Sessions:

9 - 10am: Jacob Blum, Jacob Blum, Fellow & Lecturer York University, co-chair, York Collegium for Practical Ethics - Speaking Truth to Power: The Practical Challenges of Being Ethical.

10 - 10:15am: Discussion

10:15 - 11:15am: Lisa Nagy, M.D. - The Very Effective Environmental Medicine Approach to Mental Illness (Champagne West)

11:15 - 11:30am: Discussion

11:30am - 12:30pm: Lunch Buffet

Breakout Sessions 1:

12:45 - 1:45pm:

Provence Room: Al Galves, Ph.D. & Joe Tarantolo, M.D. - Psychology/Psychiatry Dialogue

Bourgogne Room: Norbert Wetzel, Th.D. - Toward Relationship-Oriented and Context-Sensitive Therapy – A Radical Critique of Current Dominant Thinking about "Mental Health" and "Mental Illness"

Bordeaux Room: Karin Tochkov, Ph.D. & Nichole Williams, B.S. - Exercising Restraint Instead of Restraining: Alternatives To the Use of Seclusion and Restraint. HANDOUTS: Powerpoint Slides

Champagne West: Lee Coleman, M.D. - Dethroning Psychiatry: Strategies for Winning the War of the Words. HANDOUTS: Real Medicine vs. Counterfeit MedicineCaution: Psychiatry May Be Hazardous To Your HealthFear of Psychiatry

1:45 - 2pm: Break

Breakout Sessions 2:

2 - 3:00pm:

Provence Room: Paula Caplan, Ph.D. - Documentary Film “Is Anybody Listening?” with discussion

Bourgogne Room: Ann Green, PMHNP - Therapeutics in Everyday Life: Performing Our Way to Emotional Growth. HANDOUTS: Relating to People as Revolutionaries by Lois Holzman

Bordeaux Room: Carol Frost Wagner, M.A. - Seeking the Silence: A Path to Recovery and Successfully Handling Life for Both the Patient and the Practitioner

Champagne West: David Walker, Ph.D. - The Geopolitics of Trauma

3 - 3:30pm: Break & Networking

Breakout Sessions 3:

3:30 - 4:30pm:

Provence Room: Paula Caplan, Ph.D. & Mary Vieten, Ph.D. - Depathologizing Veterans’ Trauma and Bridging the Chasms Between Them and Nonveterans

Bourgogne Room: Bruce Pardy, J.D. - Head Starts and Extra Time: Academic Accommodation on Post-secondary Exams and Assignments for Students with Cognitive and Mental Disabilities

Bordeaux Room: Harper West, M.A. - Self-Acceptance Psychology: A New Paradigm for Understanding Emotional Health. HANDOUTS: Powerpoint SlidesSAP Assessment MatrixSAP Shame Resource List

Champagne West: Robert Groome, Lacanian Analyst - Mental Healthfare = Healthcare + Warfare. HANDOUTS: Definitions & TreatmentsA Logic of Madness

General Session:

4:45 - 5:30pm: Noel Hunter, Psy.D. - Trauma and Madness

6:30 - 9:00pm: Awards Dinner (Champagne West). Attire: Business Casual.

Sunday, October 21st:

8:45 - 9am: Announcements and Introduction by Chuck Ruby, Ph.D., Executive Director

General Session:

9 - 10am: Irving Kirsch, Ph.D. (Champagne West) - The Emperor’s New Drugs: Antidepressants and the Placebo Effect

10 - 10:30am: Discussion

Breakout Sessions 4:

10:45 - 11:45am:

Provence Room: Richard Wagner, M.A. - The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous – Asset or Liability – Yes!

Bourgogne Room: Jeanne Stolzer, Ph.D. - Psychiatric Drugs and Unprovoked Mass Murder: Exposing the Irrefutable Linkages

Bordeaux Room: Bert Karon, Ph.D. - TBD

Champagne West: Lisa Nagy, M.D. - The Very Effective Environmental Medicine Approach to Mental Illness

12 - 1pm: Lunch Buffet

Breakout Sessions 5:

1:15 - 2:15pm:

Provence Room: Christopher Achkar, Attorney - A Legal Overview of Inclusivity and Mental Health in the Workplace

Bourgogne Room: CANCELLED Noelene Weatherby-Fell, Ph.D. - Building Resilience and Bouncing Forward CANCELLED

Bordeaux Room - Andrew Thibault, Director and Litigant - An Inconvenient Parent: How a Father Fought the FDA and Won. HANDOUTS: An Inconvenient Parent: How a Father Fought the FDA and Won

Champagne West - David & Gillian Carmichael - Recognizing SSRI-Induced Psychosis

2:15 - 2:45pm: Break

Breakout Sessions 6:

2:45 - 3:45pm:

Provence Room: Burton Seitler, Ph.D. - Seeing Beneath Diagnostic Labels, Uncovering Long-Held, Guarded Secrets, and Being of Help

Bourgogne Room: Carol Frost Wagner, M.A. - Shadow Spouse: Recognizing and Supporting the Primary Caretaker in a Client/Patient’s Illness or Recovery

Bordeaux Room: Paula Caplan, Ph.D. - The First Cause of Everything Bad in the Mental Health System: Psychiatric Diagnosis Action Think Tank

Champagne West: Noel Hunter, Psy.D. - Trauma and Adversity in Mental Health: What Helps and What Doesn't

General Session:

4 - 4:30pm: Closing - Chuck Ruby, Ph.D., Executive Director